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Conserving the legacy of a true pioneer

March 4, 2024

Kate Lindvig, the “Cattle Queen of Snow Mass,” circa 1915. (Aspen Historical Society)

The recent acquisition of Snowmass Falls Ranch by Pitkin County Open Space and Trails is but the latest chapter in a story that began more than a century ago, when a Danish immigrant – a single woman, no less – established a ranch in the wilds of upper Snowmass Creek and became a local legend in the process.


The other wild canines in our midst

January 29, 2024
A coyote on the prowl (OST wildlife camera)

A coyote on the prowl (OST wildlife camera)

With the reintroduction of gray wolves to Colorado, coyotes and even foxes are attracting a lot of attention – mostly because some observers are mistaking them for wolves.


Wolves on open space? It’s likely

January 1, 2024
Gray wolf in the snow. Source-U.S. Fish and Wildlife

A gray wolf in the snow. Source: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

They’re here.

Ten newly reintroduced gray wolves are on the ground in Colorado and up to five more are expected to be released by mid-March. With a reintroduction goal of 30 to 50 wolves within three to five years, according to Colorado Parks and Wildlife, it’s likely that Pitkin County will see gray wolves wandering its landscape for the first time in eight or so decades.
